
Managing collections

A collection is an group of vector records managed by the vecs Python library. Records can be added to or updated in a collection. Collections can be queried at any time, but should be indexed for scalable query performance.

Supabase provides a Python client called vecs for managing unstructured vector stores in Postgres. If you come from a data science background, this unstructured data approach will feel familiar. If you are more interested in a structured data approach, see Vector columns or read our guide on Structured & Unstructured Embeddings.

Under the hood vecs will manage the necessary Postgres tables and columns to store and query your collections.


Find the full API in the official API docs.


Before you can interact with vecs, create the client to communicate with Postgres.

import vecs
DB_CONNECTION = "postgresql://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<db_name>"
# create vector store client
vx = vecs.create_client(DB_CONNECTION)

Create collection#

You can create a collection to store vectors specifying the collections name and the number of dimensions in the vectors you intend to store.

docs = vx.create_collection(name="docs", dimension=3)

If another collection exists with the same name,

Get an existing collection#

To access a previously created collection, use get_collection to retrieve it by name

docs = vx.get_collection(name="docs")

Upserting vectors#

vecs combines the concepts of "insert" and "update" into "upsert". Upserting records adds them to the collection if the id is not present, or updates the existing record if the id does exist.

# add records to the collection
"vec0", # the vector's identifier
[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], # the vector. list or np.array
{"year": 1973} # associated metadata
[0.7, 0.8, 0.9],
{"year": 2012}

Create an index#

Collections can be queried immediately after being created. However, for good performance, the collection should be indexed after records have been upserted.

Indexes should be created after the collection has been populated with records. Building an index on an empty collection will result in significantly reduced recall. Once the index has been created you can still upsert new documents into the collection but you should rebuild the index if the size of the collection more than doubles.

Only one index may exist per-collection. By default, creating an index will replace any existing index.

To create an index:

# index the collection to be queried by cosine distance

Available options for query measure are:

  • vecs.IndexMeasure.cosine_distance
  • vecs.IndexMeasure.l2_distance
  • vecs.IndexMeasure.max_inner_product

which correspond to different methods for comparing query vectors to the vectors in the database.

If you aren't sure which to use, stick with the default (cosine_distance) by omitting the parameter i.e.: docs.create_index().


The time required to create an index grows with the number of records and size of vectors. For a few thousand records expect sub-minute a response in under a minute. It may take a few minutes for larger collections.

For an in-depth guide on vector indexes, see Managing indexes.


Be aware that indexes are essential for good performance. If you do not create an index, every query will return a warning that includes the IndexMeasure you should index.


The simplest form of search is to provide a query vector.

query_vector=[0.4,0.5,0.6], # required
limit=5, # number of records to return
filters={}, # metadata filters
measure="cosine_distance", # distance measure to use
include_value=False, # should distance measure values be returned?
include_metadata=False, # should record metadata be returned?

Which returns a list of vector record ids.

Metadata Filtering

The metadata that is associated with each record can also be filtered during a query.

As an example, {"year": {"$eq": 2005}} filters a year metadata key to be equal to 2005

In context:

filters={"year": {"$eq": 2012}}, # metadata filters

For a complete reference, see the metadata guide.
