
Hugging Face

Hugging Face is an open source hub for AI/ML models and tools. With over 100,000 machine learning models available, Hugging Face provides a great way to integrate specialized AI & ML tasks into your application.

Hugging Face exposes an Inference API you can use to execute AI tasks remotely on Hugging Face servers. This opens the doors to using Hugging Face with languages like TypeScript and can be deployed using Edge Functions.

AI Tasks#

Below are some of the types of tasks you can perform with Hugging Face:

Natural language#

Computer Vision#


See a full list of tasks.

Access token#

First generate a Hugging Face access token for your app:


Name your token based on the app its being used for and the environment. For example, if you are building an image generation app you might create 2 tokens:

  • "My Image Generator (Dev)"
  • "My Image Generator (Prod)"

Since we will be using this token for the inference API, choose the read role.


Though it is possible to use the Hugging Face inference API today without an access token, you may be rate limited.

To ensure you don't experience any unexpected downtime or errors, we recommend creating an access token.

Edge Functions#

Edge Functions are server-side TypeScript functions that run on-demand. Since Edge Functions run on a server, you can safely give them access to your Hugging Face access token.


You will need the supabase CLI installed for the following commands to work.

To create a new Edge Function, navigate to your local project and initialize Supabase if you haven't already:

supabase init

Then create an Edge Function:

supabase functions new text-to-image

Create a file called .env.local to store your Hugging Face access token:


Let's modify the Edge Function to import Hugging Face's inference client and perform a text-to-image request:

import { serve } from 'https://deno.land/std@0.168.0/http/server.ts'
import { HfInference } from 'https://esm.sh/@huggingface/inference@2.3.2'
const hf = new HfInference(Deno.env.get('HUGGING_FACE_ACCESS_TOKEN'))
serve(async (req) => {
const { prompt } = await req.json()
const image = await hf.textToImage(
inputs: prompt,
model: 'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2',
use_cache: false,
return new Response(image)

  1. This function creates a new instance of HfInference using the HUGGING_FACE_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable.

  2. It expects a POST request that includes a JSON request body. The JSON body should include a parameter called prompt that represents the text-to-image prompt that we will pass to Hugging Face's inference API.

  3. Next we call textToImage(), passing in the user's prompt along with the model that we would like to use for the image generation. Today Hugging Face recommends stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2, but you can change this to any other text-to-image model. You can see a list of which models are supported for each task by navigating to their models page and filtering by task.

  4. We set use_cache to false so that repeat queries with the same prompt will produce new images. If the task and model you are using is deterministic (will always produce the same result based on the same input), consider setting use_cache to true for faster responses.

  5. The image result returned from the API will be a Blob. We can pass the Blob directly into a new Response() which will automatically set the content type and body of the response from the image.

Finally let's serve the Edge Function locally to test it:

supabase functions serve --env-file .env.local --no-verify-jwt

Remember to pass in the .env.local file using the --env-file parameter so that the Edge Function can access the HUGGING_FACE_ACCESS_TOKEN.


For demo purposes we set --no-verify-jwt to make it easy to test the Edge Function without passing in a JWT token. In a real application you will need to pass the JWT as a Bearer token in the Authorization header.

At this point, you can make an API request to your Edge Function using your preferred frontend framework (Next.js, React, Expo, etc). We can also test from the terminal using curl:

curl --output result.jpg --location --request POST 'http://localhost:54321/functions/v1/text-to-image' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"query":"Llama wearing sunglasses"}'

In this example, your generated image will save to result.jpg:

Llama wearing sunglasses example

Next steps#

You can now create an Edge Function that invokes a Hugging Face task using your model of choice.

Try running some other AI tasks.
